Month: June 2009

Six Foot Tall Ears of Corn

Six Foot Tall Ears of Corn

I’m in Ohio for Knitter’s Connection. My mom travels to the area often for work. She brought me to an outdoor sculpture in Dublin, OH. Built to honor the area’s agricultural background, these concrete ears are over six feet tall. Cool.



Last kiln before Monday’s departure. After they finish the first, bisque, firing I inspect and clean up each pot. I then wash the pots and give them one coat of clear glaze. Now they are ready to go into a kiln that slowly ramps up…

I’m in Knitty!

I’m in Knitty!

The new Summer issue of Knitty is out. In addition to all the great patterns and articles you’ll find me! There’s a wonderful little write up about my work with lots of great photos. Check it out! I’m blushing right now . . .
Thanks Knitty!

Little Things

Little Things

I’ve been deep in the studio getting ready for Knitter’s Connection. (next week in Columbus, OH) In addition to pots, LOTS of pots, I’ve been making lots of stitch markers (above) and buttons (below). It’s the little things that are the vacuum of my time…

Bear Bag 101

Bear Bag 101

After I posted yesterday Mr. Lanners’ Pottery spotted our bear on an outfitters website. I know your thinking, how could that be the same bear? Well the photo was taken at another entry point just a stones throw from where we were. When the bear…

Extended Vacation

Extended Vacation

It’s been busy round here! We’re juggling all the usual stuff along with baby stuff. We did manage to escape for one last trip to the BWCAW. One of the highlights of this trip was a visit from a lone black bear not once but twice. It was difficult to sleep – a side effect of supporting another human life. It made coming home that much sweeter!
Beside my own pregnancy I have a few other friends who are expecting. While I haven’t started knitting for our babe- I’ve gotten to try my chops at some patterns that I’m sure I’ll knit for ours!