I honestly cannot remember. Either eleven or twelve years now. I have distinct memories of cold, windy and rainy Rhinebecks past. I remember the year I flew east with my then newborn and spent the weekend with her strapped to my chest. She’s now 10. I also remember the year the winds picked up and blew my entire set up over. Gah. After that year, I did get moved to a spot with a better wind break. Whew.

Each year I travel east with bins filled of pots and leave with great memories and bins filled with leaves (and yarn too). It is so nice to have the opportunity to see my customers, meet their friends and families and oogle all the beautiful knits.
This year I’ve made another special design for the show mug. Each year I brainstorm on themes around shows. The natural flora and fauna of the area, and the season of the show are my typical starting points. So many great places to find inspiration for this show. Animals and knitters are similarly preparing for the coming winter, increasing our stash for the cold months ahead.
I’m in the same space, outside, near the 4H gate 27-A9. Please stop by and say hello. I’m hosting Kim, Indigodragonfly yarn again this year. She’s brought some amazing yarn as usual.