Month: July 2008



It’s summer, finally hot and sticky and I’m firing kilns twice a week. That makes for a steamy house- especially since we do not have central air. If the dog could fit in the window he surely would.



(“Arctic Char” purchased in Juneau Alaska this spring!) Seems like an appropriate title for this blog entry. I’m running all over the place lately. I’ve been making pots, firing kilns and traveling almost every weekend. I participated in the Midwest Fiber and Folk Fair this…



Just in time for show and tell at camp I finished the February Lady Sweater. (I used Mission Falls 1824 color 030 – barely into the 13th skein.) I’m please with the finished garment – just looking for the perfect buttons!! I’m thinking big wooden buttons – or maybe horn?
Good thing I have to be a vendor at a fiber festival this weekend! If you are in the Chicago land area (or are up for a road trip) c’mon and visit with us. The second Midwest Fiber and Folk Fair looks like it will be great. I’m going to be teaching a beginning sock class – and I get another road trip with Mom! I’m looking forward to visiting with everyone. Stop by and say Hi!

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday!

Five more monarch butterflies out in the world . . .