

  It’s been a bit since I’ve written, so I thought I’d post a short hello and studio goings on, lest you think I’ve fallen into a bucket full of clay. Last weekend I was able to attend the Wisconsin Sheep and Wool Festival in…

The last box

The last box

I’m a sucker for a good deadline. Always pulling term papers out in the final hours before a due date or tweaking a project with moments to spare, I like the energy of sucking the marrow of every second I have, it’s almost better than…



Indigodragonfly will be helping me keep the shelves full this weekend with her beautiful yarns. We’ve had a few great meeting of the minds before. Button parings and last year’s Troika?  Here’s a peek at some of the beauties that will be intermingled with all…



  Up to my eyeballs in studio to-dos and writing always gets shoved to the bottom of the list. I’ll be doing my best to remedy this over the next few days. I have lots of things that each merit their own posting, so stand…

Intersection and Small bits, coming soon . . .

Intersection and Small bits, coming soon . . .

It’s been an interesting summer here in Potterville. A bike mishap coupled with my normal activities (biking, pottery, weightlifting, knitting etc) has made a masterful stew of inflammation with the oh so glamorous name Intersection Syndrome**. It’s a painful condition, and I’m immobilized with a splint. Unfortunately…



It’s late, and I really should be in bed as I’m scheduled to leave Minneapolis at 5 am tomorrow. Both Maryland and Rhinebeck are solid two day drives for me and I need to get an early start to bypass the joy that is Chicago…



   Studio time lately has been filled with crabby crustaceans, a Maryland Sheep and Wool requirement. Each year I make a special design and this year I decided to bring back an element from a popular design I did a few years ago for this…

California Dreaming

California Dreaming

California Dreaming . . . It’s been head down, all hands on deck time in the studio as we prepare for the trip to Stitches West in Santa Clara, CA. I’m bringing LOTS of pots, stitch markers, ornaments and buttons. (Oh! SO many buttons! Bring…



Once again I’m lucky to share my space with Jill Draper. We met a few years ago at Sock Summit and I just knew she was great. Over the years that has been consistently reinforced. I could gush, but I’d rather have you drool a…

Setting up in my new spot! C 34

Setting up in my new spot! C 34

Today I head to the festival to set up for The Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival!! I left Minnesota on Wednesday morning and have been driving for the last two days. The day before the festival is one of my favorites. The place is a…