Month: October 2015



Indigodragonfly will be helping me keep the shelves full this weekend with her beautiful yarns. We’ve had a few great meeting of the minds before. Button parings and last year’s Troika?  Here’s a peek at some of the beauties that will be intermingled with all…



I’ve been making pottery for many years now and like anything you’ve spent years doing, I’ve become quite entrenched in my method of making. The character of my pots in large part comes from my way of carving the designs and motifs on my hand…




carving hand
grip is a magical thing

Up to my eyeballs in studio to-dos and writing always gets shoved to the bottom of the list. I’ll be doing my best to remedy this over the next few days. I have lots of things that each merit their own posting, so stand by.

After months of physical therapy and many rounds of treatments my hand has improved. I’m terribly pleased with this to say the least. I’ve been taking videos and photographs of my work progress to share with my hand therapists and they have been able to suggest many modifications to improve my process.  Just being able to work again and to hold tools is really a marvelous thing. Huzzah!

The photo is what my hand looks like after carving. The tools I use are made of aluminum and with repeated use the metal transfers onto my hand. I have foam grips and wraps on most of my tools to improve the stress on my joints as I carve, but I still end up with grey hands after a carving session. The work I’ll have at my next show (Rhinebeck!) will be a combination of pots some of the tried and true favorites, some modified methods of design and some work that has a combination of the two.