Knit Simple and tiny socks
WOW! I’m still amazed. Seriously? The response has been amazing. I’m making pots as fast as I can. I’ve had orders from all over – AL, MO, TX, MA,WI , AR . . . Crazy!? My crew, Mr. Lanners’ pottery, Mama G and Brother B, have been amazing. I keep crazy hours and they have been right there with me. Gracias Amigos!
In addition to the magazine I have my summer shows. Last weekend’s show was outside Battle Lake. MN and I stayed with my new friends from Pomme de Terre Pottery.
( No site yet but check out this truly awesome tea pot! )
This weekend’s show is in Crystal Lake, IL. Mama G is coming along – it should be a great road trip! The Midwest Fiber and Folk Art Fair is new this year. If you’re in the area – it should be a great time – stop on by! I just got the final layout for the show and I’m across from Briar Rose Fibers. Dangerous . . . very dangerous. ( I purchased some of their Abundance in the color way 1031 at the Iowa festival in June . . . yum!)
Having another driver will mean I will be knitting my sock for my pal this weekend. I knit a pair from the blackberry ridge yarn I got at shepherd’s harvest. It turned out to be a bit too busy for the pattern, (from Knitting on the Road) – the socks will be saved for a Christmas present. I loved the pattern so much I re-cast on in a solid blue fixation (#2550, think Smurf Blue). The yarn is mostly cotton – good for my pal who lives in a much warmer area of the US. I hope the little bit of elastic will make the sock fit just right.
Speaking of socks . . . my pal sent me a teaser. This little card arrived with a California postmark. Somewhere in CA there is a tiny sock maker making my socks. It’s blue and striped , could this be the yarn for my socks? I hope she/he knows I have huge feet! Receiving the card in the mail has made me knit faster for my pal. Ooooh I can’t wait to see what socks I’ll get in the mail! In the meantime I’m going to knit for a bit while I wait for my kiln to cool.
Hello! I bought a bowl from you in Crystal Lake. You’re right, you were in a very dangerous location. I just want to tell you how much I’m enjoying my bowl! It’s gorgeous.
I saw that bit about your pottery in Knit Simple and right away squealed in delight for you- with an ‘I met her and she was sooo nice to my kids!’
Glad things are going well for you- I hope the orders keep crolling in!
Have a good one,