The List
In my attempts to organize my life I finally broke down and made the list. The dreaded holiday list. The names of those near and dear enough to be on the knitted list. The usual suspects are there Mom, brother, husband, grandma, inlaws, and close friends. The names and projects are sane – for July. Alas, it is October (nearly November) and besides knitting I also have classes to teach, orders to fill and holiday sales looming. I will however knit as much as possible and not give up on the list until December 24th. (Last year I blocked my mother’s shawl on her bed on Christmas eve. It was dry enough for her to wear the next day!)
So here, without names, is the list:
Feather and Fan Shawl (from Barbara Walker’s A Treasury of Knitting Patterns)
Jaywalker Socks (2 pair)
Hats (4 different patterns, yet to be determined)
Slippers (2) ( Fiber Trends’ Knitted Clog Pattern)
Fairisle Pulse/Wrist warmers (2)
lined with polarfleece (similar to these)
Fairisle Headband to match 1 of above
Dalarna socks ( from Nancy Bush’s Knitting on the Road)
Ballband dishcloths (from Mason Dixon Knitting)
So far I have started on one pair of the slippers, the shawl, both pairs of Jaywalkers and many dishcloths are already complete. I’m sure as the holidays approach I will add to the list and, dare I say, modify the objects in the list to get as many handmade gifts done in time! I will keep you posted on the progress.