Happy Holidays

Hope everyone has has a happy holiday season! We had a jam packed Christmas with four celebrations over two days. One of our traditions is the cookie Fiesta, which takes place at my mom’s house. This year it was a two day bonanza of all things butter and yum. Â I believe we made fifteen different varieties of cookies, although with my current blood sugar levels I may have missed one or two.
Each year we try and reduce the number of cookies made, reducing the recipes down to the “it wouldn’t be the holidays without x.”  Mom is sneaky though, and sidesteps the rule by pre making additional varieties siting such excuses as, ” It was the paper’s best cookie of 2011″ , “the knitting ladies recommended this recipe” or “we needed more chocolate.” Hard to argue with. Over the years she clips more and more recipes becoming more like my Gram, her mom.
My gram had file cabinets, seriously FILE CABINETS of recipe clippings, booklets and cards. Hers ran the gamut from weird 1950’s vegetable aspics to artichoke appetizers with healthy helpings of “Microwave cookery” and “Pillsbury’s Blue Ribbon Winners” thrown in. Â My mom seems to lean more toward the butter end of the spectrum with cookie and bar recipes. (brushes crumbs off key board) I support this trend.
So, in the spirit of cookie Fiesta, what is your favorite cookie or bar that you love around the holidays. I’m starting our research for 2016.
I raise a sugar cookie to traditions, family and friends. I hope you all have a fantastic finish to 2015!

I LOVE, love, love Russian Tea Cakes, basically, flour, butter and powdered sugar. I don’t make them any more, because I am the only one who eats them……sigh………
Those are my brother’s, “It wouldn’t be christmas with out them cookie.” Totally a must bake cookie around here. Also, impossible to sneak those, as the powdered sugar leaves a distinct trace of guilt. Now that I know those are your favorite . . .
I love those too, but grew up in San Antonio, TX calling them Mexican wedding cakes. There are a few my family demands every year – ginger spice cookies, double chocolate cookies with brandied cherries, oatmeal craisin, and lemon curd sandwich cookies. This year I made grapefruit sugar cookies that I think are joining that list.