Where oh wher does the time go?

I know this is the second post on how I haven’t been a good blogger but I’m hoping this will get my butt in gear.
Our house is in a state of upheaval as we have finally broken down and decided to turn the spare bedroom into a second home office. So all items were removed from soon to be my office and the walls and trim were prepped and painted. (That sounds so easy typed out in a nice sentence) Now all the stuff ( read yarn, books, etc) has been moved into the freshly painted office number two to make room for the prep and painting of office number one.
Somewhere in the life of this house somebody got a little crafty with the spackle and created an allover texture on the walls of office number one that is not my favorite. Unlike the texture in the front rooms which is subtle, and original to the house, this texture is busy – and all over the ceiling too! So this prep is going to take a little longer I think. Office number one is where the Mac currently lives. We have decided to work around the computer for now. It will be happily tarped in the middle of the room, until we decide it has to be moved.
So the schedule lately has been work upstairs, down to studio, back upstairs, out to teach, home to sleep repeat. In the end I will have my very own office. I must remember that!

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