
My dear sweetie has a plan to get the website up. Evidently saying, “You really should have a website” or “How’s the website going?” four times a day will be the magical catalyst needed to get the photos finished. So the plan from here on out is to work on the photos a little bit each day until they are finished, or until my husband gets laryngitis. So here’s another . . . I’m not pleased with the color of the claybody. I think it’s a bit too peachy. To get the nice white background I have to sacrifice a little color in the claybody. I think it’s as close as I’m going to get. The photos have all been taken. I just have to spend a few hours in front of the computer tweaking them on Photoshop. Oh Joy! I found this great site that has links to a few tutorials on product photography. This is where I found all the tricks. Now if I could find some patience. Persistence little grasshopper.
But first I have some knitting to do. I’m going to spend the weekend with my mom and some knitters from the Monday knitters group at Ingebretsen’s at our retreat location Dannebo. It was a “Danish old folks home” for years but has now opened it’s doors for retreats. It’s only minutes from home – right on River Road overlooking the Mississippi. I’m hoping for progress on some projects that seem to be stagnant. I’ll be sure to take some photos and post when I return.

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