Triple Rock Rocks

I’ve been a busy bee getting everything together for our Empty Bowls event. It’s TOMORROW from 11 am until 9pm (or until we run out of soup). We are prepping and cooking in a small park kitchen with two non commercial stoves and two refrigerators.
Last night we realized it was going to be too warm to store anything outside.
One of the many benefits of living in a cold climate – a porch can be magically transformed to a giant icebox, overnight.
So we needed cooler space – pronto. Our knight in shining armor was the Triple Rock Social Club. They decided to use their powers for good and donated some much needed cooler space to our 15 gallons of black bean chili and mirepoix. I urge those of you in the cities to go forth and have a beer at the kindest little punk rock bar in the cities! After you come to Empty Bowls, of course!

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